our partnerships

Memory Care

Senior Care


Almaya is your ally in preserving the life stories of individuals facing neurocognitive disorders.

We provide the opportunity for digital legacy building through a game-like experience using video and audio with just a few clicks.

As seen on

Perla, 92 años
"Almaya ha cambiado mi vida como una mujer mayor. Grabar recuerdos para mis hijos y nietos me ha dado tanta tranquilidad, sabiendo que podrán disfrutarlos por años. Almaya ha sido realmente un regalo para mi familia."

Jorge, 63 años
¨La aplicación de creación de legados permite que mi madre de 89 años grabe videos de sus experiencias de vida y recuerde su pasado. Le da un sentido de seguridad y propósito, y también ayuda a mis hijos y nietos a mantener su memoria viva. Es un regalo para ella y para nosotros.¨

María, 79 años
"Almaya ha sido un salvavidas. La aplicación me permite ver videos de mis experiencias de vida y recordar mi pasado. Me da una sensación de seguridad sabiendo que puedo mantener esos recuerdos, y también ayuda a mis hijos a recordarme de la mejor manera posible. Estoy muy agradecida por este servicio."
Miguel, 47 años
"Estoy profundamente agradecida con el asilo para personas mayores por brindar a mi padre acceso a la aplicación Almaya como parte de sus servicios. Mi padre ahora tiene una actividad significativa que hacer y emoción al saber que sus recuerdos se preservarán para las generaciones futuras."
ReutersabcBusiness InsiderEl sol de MéxicoLa naciónInfobae

The solution for building a lasting legacy for Dementia patients

Be the one who preserves the life stories of individuals with cognitive impairments

Enhance the well-being and joy of those in your care

Involve patients & loved ones in the care process

Differentiate yourself from the competition by utilizing cutting-edge technology

Boost customer loyalty and retention

Increase revenue potential

Schedule a Free Demo
EXPLORE all topics almaya offers and more

What can be preserved when creating a Legacy?



Where life stories can be kept securely forever.



Now life hacks are accessible whenever they are needed.



Here's the opportunity to share joyful moments with loved ones.



Where messages to loved ones can be scheduled for future retrieval.



The chance to save precious recipes & pass to future generations.



An opportunity to share opinions on love, politics, travel & more.


The tech-savvy approach to
Memory Loss disorder

Almaya permite preservar historias, transmitir aprendizajes construyendo Legados a través de la grabación de videos y audios en una experiencia interactiva y lúdica.


I'm part of an Organization

Non-Profit Organization
Community Group
Alzehimer Institution
Dementia Institution
Terminal Ilnesses institution

Enterprise Program

I'm a Caregiver

General Practitioner
Memory Care Specialist
Occupational Therapist
Neurologist/ Psychologist
Geriatric Psychiatrist
Geriatric Nurse Practitioner

Caregiver Program


“The hospital my father was admitted to a few times recommended using Almaya to capture and preserve my father's memories, as suggested by one of the hospital staff. I have recorded many memories from the early stages of his illness, and now that he is in the advanced stages, we can revisit those memories and cherish the good times. I am happy that my toddlers and future grandchildren will also be able to look back on these memories one day.”

Mike, 31 years old

¨As a member of a non-profit organization that supports people with cognitive disease disorders, I find Almaya to be an essential tool. It enables individuals to document and preserve their life stories, providing them with a sense of security and continuity. Additionally, Almaya allows them to leave a legacy for future generations, so their loved ones can continue to remember them. I highly recommend Almaya for any organization or person working with people affected by cognitive disease disorders.¨

Jessica, 44 years old

“As a doctor working in a local hospital, I have seen firsthand the impact that Almaya can have on patients and their families. Many of my patients and their families have been amazed by the ability of this platform to help them preserve their history, advice and even future messages. They are extremely grateful for the technology that Almaya provides, as it allows them to cherish and preserve the most important moments of their lives. I highly recommend Almaya to any hospital or healthcare facility as a valuable tool for patients and their families.”

David, 59 years old

¨Thanks to the suggestion of my father's nurse, we have been using Almaya to preserve my father's precious memories. I have recorded many moments from early on in his diagnosis, and now that he is in the advanced stages of dementia, we are able to revisit those memories and cherish the good times. I am content knowing that my children and one day grandchildren will also be able to look back on these memories in the future.¨

Josh, 63 years old

¨As a Neuropsychologist, I suggest using Almaya to my patients and their families as a way to preserve the unique essence of the individual. The journey through a chronic illness can be difficult, but Almaya serves as a beacon of hope, reminding them of the happy moments, stories, anecdotes, and special recipes that make each patient one-of-a-kind¨

Laura, 52 years old

¨The realization that my grandfather had Alzheimer's, my mother is currently dealing with the early stages of the disease, and the likelihood that I too may develop it, has caused me to re-evaluate many aspects of my life. My psychologist recommended Almaya as a means of preserving my personal history. The thought of leaving behind a legacy for my young children brings me a sense of comfort and has opened a new perspective on the world for me.¨

Thomas, 29 years old

"As a member of a non-profit organization that supports people with cognitive disease disorders, I find Almaya to be an essential tool. It enables individuals to document and preserve their life stories, providing them with a sense of security and continuity. Additionally, Almaya allows them to leave a legacy for future generations, so their loved ones can continue to remember them. I highly recommend Almaya for any organization or person working with people affected by cognitive disease disorders."

Jessica, 44 years old

"As a doctor working in a local hospital, I have seen firsthand the impact that Almaya can have on patients and their families. Many of my patients and their families have been amazed by the ability of this platform to help them preserve their history, advice and even future messages. They are extremely grateful for the technology that Almaya provides, as it allows them to cherish and preserve the most important moments of their lives. I highly recommend Almaya to any hospital or healthcare facility as a valuable tool for patients and their families."

David, 59 years old

"The realization that my grandfather had Alzheimer's, my mother is currently dealing with the early stages of the disease, and the likelihood that I too may develop it, has caused me to re-evaluate many aspects of my life. My psychologist recommended Almaya as a means of preserving my personal history. The thought of leaving behind a legacy for my young children brings me a sense of comfort and has opened a new perspective on the world for me."

Thomas, 29 years old
Making forever possible

How does Almaya work?

Create my legacy

Create account and setup protectors

After registration the user should select who is going to be the protector of their legacy.

Record and save original content

Record and save content in their Legacy

Now, the user can start building their legacy by answering prompts through video and audio recordings.

Share forever

Share with
Loved Ones forever

Through a Private Key, the users invite whomever they choose to access their most valuable experiences.

What you get

Almaya benefits for
organizations& caretakers

Almaya Pro

Almaya PRO with unlimited access for all members of your institution.


Training for staff members of your organization.


Develop personalized categories for the legacies of members of your organization.


Ongoing assistance and guidance through Almaya App

Schedule a Free Demo

Help people facing Memory Loss Disorder

Let your patients build a secure digital legacy

Partner with Almaya to ensure eternity of their life lessons, greetings, opinions, advice,
recipes & more

Schedule a Free Demo

Se parte de preservar las historias de los integrantes de tu institución

La tecnología de Almaya es útil para el proceso de venta de una plaza en una residencia para mayores. Acerca a los miembros de tu organización con sus seres queridos desde otro lugar.

Solicitar una Demo

Experience the Power of Almaya:
Book Your Demo Now

Partner with Almaya to ensure eternity of their life stories.
Book a DEMO now!

Experience the Power of Almaya:
Book Your Demo Now

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Beneficios Exclusivos

Obten una cuenta maestra para acceder a las cápsulas del tiempo de un número ilimitado de paciente
Almacena todo en la nube para fácil acceso y seguridad
Graba los recuerdos de cada paciente en sus propias sesiones personalziadas dentro de almaya
Permite que los pacientes decidan con qué miembros de la familia y seres queridos quieren compartir sus videos

Permite que tu organización cree tesoros que duren para siempre

Acceso ilimitado

Para el miembro de tu organización y sus seres queridos. Desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento.

Quiero saber más

La "Serie" de su vida

A través de videos cortos basados en una selección especial para llevar siempre en el teléfono o enviar fácilmente.

Quiero ver un ejemplo

Chat con Alma

Guía a través de los legados. Encuentra cada memoria con el poder de la Inteligencia Artificial de Almaya. Una conversación interactiva con todo lo que han aprendido en la vida.

Quiero chatear con Alma

Miles de personas ya crearon su Almaya


Se divirtió y emocionó recordando cosas de su vida🥲


Se siente más cerca de  sus seres queridos 🥰


Aprendió nuevas cosas sobre su familia 😊

Descubre que puede hacer ALMAYA para tu institución.

Pide una demostración HOY.

Para instituciones corporativas, educativas, recreativas y ONGs. haz click aquí
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